Connecting Through Sharing Appreciation and Gratitude

One of the things I have really learned about how to feel more joy in life through the power of connection is that little small ways really matter and can truly brighten someone else’s day and your own.  We often are racing to the next thing, or doing what we think we should achieve.  It is not to say at all that these things don’t…

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Receiving Love Through Celebration

While I have been focusing on gifting ‘Acts of Connection’, the ripple effect is strong and I became on the receiving end.  My dear friend Michelle who is also doing #vanlife turned the tables on me and demonstrated a beautiful ‘Act of Connection’ to me when she ventured out of her way to meet me in Utah on my birthday!  I had spent the week…

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The Power of Practicing Patience

This is such a beautiful quote by Rumi and one that deeply resonates with me. What I have learned is that through this way of being, it allows us to return to a childlike curiosity. Remember growing up when we had such a sense of constant WONDER?  It is through the seeking, asking insightful questions, trying things that we have intuition around and seeing how they…

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Connecting Through Sharing Successes: How My Mom Taught Communication Skills in Schools for Lasting Impact

While on my #vanlife adventure with mom, I learned about big accomplishments in her life that I never knew about.  It was so inspiring to hear these and I felt so proud of the impact she’s made on so many kid’s lives, fully living in her purpose as a teacher. What sparked this was a question I asked her to learn more about her work,…

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The Power of Connecting with Positive Like-Minded People

As we go through the years, relationships evolve.  One of the biggest mindset shifts I have made is around the nature of friendships and how it is ok, and necessary, to change who you spend your time with as you continue to grow.  This does not mean you love certain people less, but it does mean that the friendship may not serve you in the…

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Connecting Through Meaningful Conversations, Nature and Adventure

I spent a week with my dear friend Ramzi in Zion and Bryce Canyon Utah.  Ramzi and I are on very parallel journeys right now: recently unmarried, on a deep spiritual path and personal growth stage, focusing on building conscious community, and seeking how we evolve how we live and work to live our truest ikigai.  So, I was very much looking forward to this…

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Supporting Parents Through Love and Family Connection Rituals

I spent six days with my dear college friend Tina and her family in Park City, Utah.  Tina is a working mother of two, currently supporting her household after her husband, like millions of American around the country, lost his job in the age of COVID.  So before I arrived I asked Tina what she needed in support.  I had assumed her answer would be…

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2020 Lessons Learned: What the Year of ‘The Great Pause’ Taught Me

This was year of transformation.  Filled with personal growth and I felt a continued shift in my mindset.  This has been work but also empowering.  I set out for 2020 to be a year of learning.  I challenged my energy into this in four major learning areas: Financial Intelligence, Personal Growth, Work & Purpose, and Play.  I said no to things that didn’t feed these. …

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How a Bit of Surprise & Adventure Deepened Connection

Since the start of COVID, I’ve had the intention of coming east to spend time my mom who has been pretty isolated in the age of COVID. While she never wanted me to feel like she needed anything, that was beyond the point. I didn’t need to come east; she’s definitely self-contained and self-sufficient. But I wanted to come and support and be with her….

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