Connecting Through Sharing Appreciation and Gratitude

One of the things I have really learned about how to feel more joy in life through the power of connection is that little small ways really matter and can truly brighten someone else’s day and your own.  We often are racing to the next thing, or doing what we think we should achieve.  It is not to say at all that these things don’t have meaning, as often times they do!, but it is to say that along the way there are little moments that can create smiles that make the whole journey in life that much more enjoyable and meaningful.  One of my favorite quotes is by Maya Angelou:

‘I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’

I try to live by this and find the micro ways to do this every day.  This particular day in Utah paradise was no exception.  I decided to venture to this canyon I have been eyeing for the past week. I have heard it is very difficult to hike into and it is best to go with ATVs. I didn’t feel like spending the money to rent one or go on a tour so decided to take my chances and trust the powers of the universe to see what magic could happen. And it sure did!! I started on foot, hiking in deep sand, and then someone I had met earlier passed by in a UTV that had an extra seat and I hitched a ride for the rest of the way! On the way back out I had such an amazing serendipitous conversation with him about connection and living life fully. He connected deeply with the sentiments of what I have learned in COVID times around not needing so much materially to be joyful when you can be surrounded by the beauty of nature. He responded with enthusiastic YES and said he has learned the power of “prioritizing play over work.” Also a friend from high school that was with him on the trail inspired him by reaching out to him randomly after over 40 years! It made him reach out to two of his old high school and college teachers who impacted him the most and share his gratitude with them. They were so touched AND it made him feel so good. I said that it was wonderful he was doing this and he could do it every day with others, even in small ways. Just the sentiment of showing appreciation, care and love. He couldn’t agree more and said I inspired him to do just that and he promised he would! He was so grateful for our serendipitous encounter and that while he was able to support me on my adventure, that I truly brightened his day.

It was such a great reminder of how powerful a brief encounter can become when you open yourself up to just be truly present to that person.  And I love the ripple effect when you share light!!!

Who are you going to reach out to today to send a love wave message to?

Oh, and the canyon was STUNNING!!! 🙂

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