Welcome, I’m So Glad We Are Connected!

Connection is Life.

“When you get to the end of your life…your family and your friendships will be all that matters to you.  Don’t wait until then to discover that love is the only part of life that really counts.” – Dave Willis

I have always believed that no matter what we do in life, it is our connections that matter most and what bring us true unfiltered blissful joy. 

This is a space for me to share the learnings from my journey.  At the moment, as I start this blog, I am in a particular chapter of this Learning Odyssey, experiencing #vanlife as I travel around the country.  I am personally feeling into how I want to evolve how I live my most purposeful life.  I am on a quest for higher meaning, to reach my second mountain – to be my highest self and live my most fulfilling way of life.

I do all of this with intention: to connect.   To connect with myself, nature and loved ones.  And along the way I will be sharing Acts of Connection for loved ones.  I believe that much of connection is how we show up, support people in what they need, and are present for one another.  I have always lived my life this way, and have found it to bring me great joy. 

I want to share these experiences both for myself to be acutely aware of what I am learning as I deepen this way of being, and for others, and hope they provide some inspiration to you. 

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