Mothers Need Their Own Time to Connect, Play and Build Community

I got to spend 2+ days with my dear friend Nicole.  She traveled from Colorado to meet me in Moab.  She celebrated her 40th birthday this year, and I sadly missed being able to spend that time with her during the age of quarantine.  But I knew I would find another way to be just as meaningful.  So I asked her, what is it that she needs?  As a mom of 2 young children, maintaining the household is rewarding but also exhausting.  She wanted some of her own time.  Some adventure.  She’d never been to Moab area so we settled on her meeting up there instead of me just visiting her in Denver.  And what an experience we had. 

It all started with me selecting a spot to camp that would be relatively easy to find in the dark since Nicole was arriving at night, a short distance off the of the highway, and had cell reception (often times a luxury in the mountains!). 

Then there was the mouse that had invaded my space the night before and I worked all day to desperately try to remove it from the van before my guest arrived!!!  I had no luck despite leaving the van in dark quiet places for most of the day to try to trick it that it was evening time, but then just as I started cooking dinner and just surrendered, released solving it and saying to myself, “well, it will become a funny joke with Nicole”, I heard a trap go off.  I will spare you the details but I managed to finished removing my rodent guest just as Nicole’s car was driving up and she was able to see me because of my flashlight!  It was a funny joke, but she also greatly appreciated the effort I put in to solving it before she arrived 😊

The rest of the weekend we spent adventuring!  Hiking through Arches National Park and Mill Creek having deep conversations on life, supporting each other in challenges we may be going through or things we were learning about and wanting to make an impact in the world around.  I asked a lot of questions, and through her being vulnerable I could really see her and be able to help her unpack things and all offer guidance on how to build a stronger intimate local community for herself which is a high priority for her right now.  She has a lot of solid 1:1 relationships, but is seeking a collective tribe.  I suggested she start small, with two of her current friends that she can see enjoying each other’s company, and put it out there that she is yearning for more of a collective community and see if they would be open to spending time the three of them together.  Start small.  Then it will build if they are open to it, but you will never know until you ask and say what you need. 

We also had the crazy adventure of UTVing up the sides of mountains.  I was determined to book a cool experience for her birthday which was not easy as many guided tours were booked up, but I made it happen and found an incredible sunset ride.  I don’t think I knew what I was getting us into as at times were driving when felt like at 90 degree angles up these cliffs!  Nothing like the fear of some extreme sports to bond you! 

I had stocked up the fridge before she arrived so she wouldn’t have to spend time in the grocery store, and cooked some pretty amazing meals (if I do say so myself) where we got to enjoy while staring out at the mountains.  The last night I even made a birthday dessert in the van with chocolate and strawberries, and a birthday candle from a pack of candles I had packed from my home in California before even embarking on #vanlife knowing that I would see her at some point.  We then topped that evening off with our own dance party!  Pretty hilarious experience to just be silly and let loose together in the van. 

All in all, I loved being able to create and share this experience with her.  It was such a heart-warming couple of days.  It also reminded both of us that life is one big journey.  We don’t have to have it all figured out.  Take one step in front of the other, remain open minded and let the magic of the future unfold. Sharing it with incredible friends who are forever curious, seekers, creative, determined to do interesting things to make an impact in this world is invaluable.  These are the type of friends I want to continue to surround myself with and who I will channel my energy towards. 

After the time together she reflected back to me that she felt so loved.  “Thank you for the incredibly thoughtful birthday experience, all the amazing meals you cooked me and for taking time out on YOUR journey to connect. I’m beyond grateful for your friendship.” Thank YOU, Nicole, for an incredible weekend together, for being so open, so adventurous, so supportive, and so you.    

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