The Power of Connecting with Positive Like-Minded People

As we go through the years, relationships evolve.  One of the biggest mindset shifts I have made is around the nature of friendships and how it is ok, and necessary, to change who you spend your time with as you continue to grow.  This does not mean you love certain people less, but it does mean that the friendship may not serve you in the same way as it once did.  This is not to blame who the other person is at all if they are not moving in the direction or at the pace you are.  It merely is to honor who they are, and who you are, and what you need.  If we are calling in a different tribe, we cannot channel our energy everyone.  It is not fair to other people as you cannot possibly be present for everyone, and it is not fair to you as your energy will be depleted and not enough left for what will serve you most. 

I am calling in positive energy.  I want to surround myself with people who are on the path, awakened or awakening, a conscious community of seekers, creators, doers, adventurers.  Those who I can be challenged by, learn from who may have walked the path I am walking.  Entrepreneurs, artists, coaches, spiritual guides, facilitators, investors, teachers, travelers.  Humans who are making an impact in their communities and the world at large. 

My friend Emily is one of these people.  We first ‘met’ during an incredible Gratitude Adventure group, led by the phenomenal Jessica Encell (creator of The Magic of Human Connection), during which we learned how to deepen our daily gratitude practice. I was immediately drawn to Emily’s energy.  She has this unbelievable positive light about her, and we quickly connected on how we were both on a journey to evolve how we live and work, and do more to be in service to others. 

So as the cosmic nature of the universe would have it, Emily was traveling to Arizona on a mini trip with her partner, near where I was located in Utah.  I knew I needed to invest the time to meet in person, and so rearranged my plans to stay a week longer in the area so I could be nearby when she arrived.  This ‘Act of Connection’ alone meant a great deal to her, and she shared with me how much she appreciated how I was clearly investing in our friendship which certainly warmed my heart.

How we met up was even more cosmic.  Over the past week, I had been trying every day to ‘win the lottery’ to receive a permit for The Wave in North Coyote Buttes Arizona.  Hundreds of people apply for this special access wilderness permit every day, and only 10 people get to experience it in order to preserve the land.  Every day I would go bright and early to the center to apply, even though getting there first really didn’t matter since it was a random lottery and there was no benefit of getting an early number. But I think it has just been engrained in me to make things happen, I need to get there first. However on this 8th day, I woke up and decided to change my energy.  To practice patience which I am trying to cultivate more and more of.  And so I didn’t rush.  I got there in the natural flow of my morning.  And I included Emily and her partner’s names on my application, which she had no idea I was doing. I thought to myself it would be so magical to have this be how I experience The Wave, with Emily, to be able to share it with someone.  And on this day, when I was not focusing on the outcome (and almost forgot what my number was!), I WON.  My number was the first that was called, which meant that I would receive a permit for all three of us for the following day.  And so the first day Emily and I met IRL (in real life) was the day we got to hike The Wave. 

What an incredible setting to deepen our budding friendship.   We wandered with wonder, sharing stories of our lives, our values, things we were learning, what we were calling in and our visions for the future.  Throughout the day I would notice repeating numbers and mentioned it, and then so would she or her partner.  I especially loved when at the end of the day Emily shared an incredible connection ritual story about how her and her partner create mini-moments of connection daily by noticing any hour when it is a repeating number (1:11, 2:22, 3:33, etc…) and whenever either of them notices, they pause, gaze in each other’s’ eyes and give each other a kiss, and if they were not together in that moment they send each other a heart or love beam message. She shared with me that that ritual is special as it is “a reminder of the magic of the universe, of serendipity and synchronicity; a reminder that this human is my gift.”   Such a simple Act of Connection that is such a meaningful way to keep one’s positive energy running through your heart throughout the day.  And when I noticed them wherever I am, it now reminds me of Emily and I sometimes spontaneously send her a connection message to let her know I’m thinking of her.

I am so grateful for this time together as it truly warmed my heart.  And even more grateful when she shared, she felt nourished after the day, with great appreciation of the beauty of nature we got to experience together and deepen our connection with such a magical experience which reminded her that everything in life is so expansive. 

It can be so simple and yet so meaningful to create these moments of connection. Doing something you know someone would appreciate, or just a gesture that lets them know you love them and are thinking about them.

What is a Connection Ritual you have with a loved one? I invite you to share below in the comments!

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